Muškátový květ ze tří těsnění 1977

Biography History War

At the end of the 16th century, Wallachia's ruler Michael the Brave dreams of uniting the kingdoms of Wallachia,Transylvania and Moldavia into a single country known as The United Principalities.

Alle Titel
  • RO: Buzduganul cu trei peceti Buzduganul cu trei peceti
  • BG: Мейс от трите пломби Мейс от трите пломби
  • BG: Meis ot trite plombi Meis ot trite plombi
  • CA: The Mace with Three Seals The Mace with Three Seals
  • RO: The Mace with Three Seals The Mace with Three Seals
  • RO: Buzduganul cu trei peceţi Buzduganul cu trei peceţi
  • RU: Булава за тремя печатями Булава за тремя печатями
  • RU: Bulava za tremya pechatyami Bulava za tremya pechatyami
  • UA: The Mace with Three Seals The Mace with Three Seals
  • US: The Mace with Three Seals The Mace with Three Seals
  • RO: The Mace with Three Seals The Mace with Three Seals
Release 12 Sep 1977
Links IMDb


Muškátový květ ze tří těsnění 1977